Quinoa Sushi

Quinoa Sushi
Quinoa Sushi

Makes approximately 16 rolls. 1 large or 2 small servings
  • Scant 1/2 cup Uncooked Quinoa
  • 2 - 4 tbsp Rice Vinegar 
  • 2 Sheets Toasted Nori (available in most health food, bulk & well-stocked grocery stores)
  • Filling
  • 1/2 an Avocado
  • 4 Shiitake Mushrooms
  • (or other fillings of your choice)

  1. Rinse quinoa well in a strainer, then transfer to a pot and mix with 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, until the water has been fully absorbed, about fifteen minutes.
  2. While quinoa is cooking, prepare your fillings. For the sushi pictured, I used avocado and shiitake mushrooms. Whatever fillings you choose, you'll want to slice them thinly. Fillings such as cucumbers, carrots, sweet potato and tofu should be cut into about 3-inch strips. If using sweet potato as a filling, slice into thin, fry-size strips and bake at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes, then set aside to cool.
  3. Once quinoa is cooked, transfer to a bowl and drizzle with rice vinegar. Using a large flat spoon, work in the vinegar, using a stirring/folding motion, mushing the quinoa together. NOTE: Do not let the quinoa cool completely! Let it sit for about 5 - 10 minutes so that it's no longer hot (which will melt the nori) but the trick to making the quinoa stick is using it while it's still warm. Trust me on this one, I know. (I tried to make sushi with cold quinoa once...and it resulted in deconstructed sushi. Not in the fun, whimsical, modern sense of "deconstructed" dishes which you see everywhere today, but deconstructed in the way bombs deconstruct cities. Suffice to say, it was not pretty.)
  4. Lay a nori sheet on your rolling mat, leaving 5mm of space between the nori and the end of the mat closest to you. Spread about 3/4 - 1 scant cup of the quinoa over the nori (still warm!) using a flat spoon, pressing it as close to the edges as you can. Make sure to leave a clear strip, one centimetre thick, at the end of the nori sheet farthest from you (this is crucial in ensuring the roll will hold together).
  5. Place the fillings in the middle of the nori sheet, laying them out evenly and making sure not to pile them too high.
  6. Pour a small amount of rice vinegar (or water) into a shallow bowl and, using the tip of your finger, dip it into the vinegar and wet the centimetre of space you left at the edge of the nori (this will make sure the roll stick together).
  7. Take hold of the bottom of the sushi mat and quickly fold it over the fillings, then squeeze it together and press down with your hands to seal in the fillings. Then take hold of the edge of the sushi mat and pull it forward to finish rolling the sushi, keeping the mat taut and pressing down on the roll with your other hand.
  8. Transfer the roll to a cutting board and gently slice into 8 pieces. The ends will likely not hold together well, so if they fall apart, or are rather loose, don't be sad or upset. Making sushi well takes time and technique - I'm still working on it myself. So keep at it! I guarantee it's worth the effort.
  9. Serve immediately, with soy sauce for dipping (I like to dip my sushi in soy sauce cut with a bit of rice vinegar), or store in the fridge for up to three days.

Source: nomsforthepoor
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